Thursday, October 27, 2011

How to Use a Baby Nasal Aspirator

Are you using baby aspirators for the first time? Then you should know how to do this. You will have to remember that removing mucus from your babys nostril is a process that will require a certain level of patience. If you are someone who gets frustrated easily, then you should let someone else do it. This is in the best interest of both you and your baby. This advice should not be taken as a sign of discouragement. Remember that after reading this article you will know how to use baby aspirators.
The process of removing mucus from your babys nostrils can be broken down into five very simple steps. You should remember to follow each step of correctly in order not to cause injury to your baby. Seeking assistance while you perform these steps is advisable.
1.    Hold the aspirator almost like you would hold a syringe. Place the aspirator between your index and middle finger. Your thumb must be in contact with the aspirators bottom.
2.    Press the aspirators bottom till you are not able to press anymore. Important tip - This step must not be done when the aspirator is in the babys nostril. Keep it away from the babys nostril when doing this.
3.    While doing this step seeking assistance is advisable. You should either hold the baby in your arms or place it on a flat surface. The babys head should not move when you are placing the aspirator inside its nostrils. Push the aspirator slowly into the babys nostril and make sure the tip is goes inside first.
4.    Now you should remove your thumb from the aspirators bottom. This will create a suction force that will remove the mucus from the babys nostrils. Now you should quickly use a soft cloth to wipe the mucus from the aspirators tip. Move the soft cloth downwards towards the tip to do so.
5.    You should repeat the above steps till you the nostrils of your baby are clear.
In case your babys nostrils severely congested, you are advised to make use of a humidifier or give your baby a hot shower.


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