Originally the word gay meant being happy or more correctly care-free, but nowadays it used to mention homosexuality. This word can refer to both men and women. Gay porn videos are made to satisfy this section of society.
There are different types of sexuality including homosexuality, heterosexuality, and bisexuality.
Homosexuality is the kind where people are sexually attracted to the same sex. That is men are attracted to men and women are attracted to women. This kind of sexuality is very controversial. So are gay porn videos.
Many people have asked themselves whether they are gay. This question is not an easy one to answer as many people feelings change with time. There are people who are attracted to both in other words they are bisexual.
People realize that they are gay at different stages of their lives. Some of them when they are teenagers while others much later in life. There are people who deny this for many years before admitting it much later in life. Even then accepting this feeling is not easy. Many think this is a passing phase and for some it is.
The main question that many people ask is this – is one born gay? That is a very difficult question to answer. There have been many theories stating that there are some biological differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals. But none of these theories answer this question properly.
Many people believe that homosexuality is wrong and sinful. These people believe that homosexuals can be cured. However people who have tried doing so have admitted that they methods have failed.
This topic is however has not died down as many religious organizations still believe that homosexuals can be cured and all it requires is force of will. But lesbians and gays argue that people who believe this have not understood properly what being gay is. This misunderstood view they say has resulted in them discriminating against gays and lesbians.
Gay porn videos are now easily available on the internet.